Eleonora Marchi

Professor A.M.A.B (Medical Acupuncturists Association of Bologna)
2006 and 2010 Advanced course Clinical Practice on Acupuncture
International Acupuncture Training Centre-Nanjing University (China):
2007-2008 Specialty in: 'Technology and Social Self-Integration and Disability
University 'Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan (Italy)
2010-2011 Master in Infertility Treatment and Support to medically assisted procreation of Italian-Chinese School of Acupuncture of AMAB.
A.M.A.B. (Association of Acupuncture Medical Doctors of Bologna, Italy)
2008 Master in Auricolotherapy Matteo Ricci School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bologna (Italy)
2006 Master in Chinese Pharmacology Matteo Ricci School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bologna (Italy)
2001 Master in Chinese Physiotherapy, Massage and Gymnastics Matteo Ricci School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bologna (Italy)
2000 Advanced course of English Michigan Language Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA),
1999 Major in Acupuncture in Sport Medicine Medicine and Surgery Faculty University of Brescia (Italy)
1999 Matteo Ricci School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bologna (Italy) Qualification in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
1996 University of Bologna– Medicine and Surgery Faculty (Italy) Major in Podiatry
1995 University of Bologna, Medicine and Surgery Faculty (Italy) Specialty in Medicine, Physical and Rehabilitation, top grade 70/70 cum Laude
1991 Master's Degree in Medical and Surgery Science, top grade 70/70 cum Laude University of Bologna, (Italy)
Abilitation in Medical and Surgeon Profession University of Bologna, (Italy)
High school leaving qualification in science studies, Serpieri Lyceum High School, Rimini (Italy)
2007 – present Qualified teacher at Italo-Chinese Acupuncture School of A.M.A.B. (Association of Acupuncture Medical Doctors of Bologna, Italy)
2008 Qualified teacher University Master II° level 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture with Occidental Medicine Integration', University of Rome "Sapienza", Medicine and Surgery Faculty, (Italy)
2006 Qualified teacher University Master II° level 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture with Occidental Medicine Integration', University of Florence, Medicine and Surgery Faculty, (Italy)
2005 Qualified teacher of Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, University of Florence, (Italy)
1997-1998 Teacher of Professional Nurse Course, Republic of San Marino State Hospital (R.S.M.)
2014 – present, Medical Doctor Director of the Physical Medical and Rehabilitation Department of the Republic of San Marino State Hospital (RSM)
2010 – present Adviser of A.M.A.B. (Association of Acupuncture Medical Doctors of Bologna, Italy)
2010-present Doping Control Officer for San Marino Olimpic Commetee (RSM)
2009 – 2013, Staff Physician of San Marino Ministry of Health (RSM)
2009 Medical Doctor of the Physical Medical and Rehabilitation Department of Pesaro Hospital (Italy)
2008 Member of the Disability and Sport Commission and Health and Sport Commission of International Panathlon of the Republic of San Marino (RSM)
2002 – 2009 Medical Doctor, Member of the Health Commission of Track and Field Federation of the Republic of San Marino (RSM)
1996 – present, Medical Doctor of the Physical Medical and Rehabilitation Institute of the Republic of San Marino State Hospital (RSM)
2000 – present Member of F.I.S.A. (Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies), Italy
2000 Visiting Doctor at the McLaren Regional Medical Center, Michigan (USA)
1999 Member Doctor for the International Congress IAAF (International Amateur Athletic Federation) and as Delegate Member of the Track and Field Federation of the Republic of San Marino, (RSM)
1999 Medical Doctor and Delegate of the Republic of San Marino Athletics Federation participating the World's Games of Track and Field events, Sivillia (Spain),
1998-1999 Secretary of Track and Field Federation of the Republic of San Marino (RSM)
1998 - 2002 Medical Doctor of the San Marino Athletic Federation (RSM)
1998 Delegate of San Marino Athletics Federation for the EAA (European Athletic Association) and IAAF Conference (International Amateur Athletic Federation) Granada (Spain) and Funchal - Madeira (Portugal).
1997 Delegate of San Marino Athletics Federation for the EAA (European Athletic Association) and IAAF Conference (International Amateur Athletic Federation), Budapest (Hungaria)
1997 Delegate and Medical Doctor of San Marino Athletics Federation, World's Games of Track and Field events, Athene (Greece).
1996-present Member of A.M.A.B. (Association of Acupuncture Medical Doctors of Bologna, Italy)
1993 - 1996 Medical Doctor of the World's Motorbike Racing Mobile Clinic Team directed by M.D. Claudio COSTA during the World's Motorbike Racing events in Europe
1991 - 1995 Professional Role and Experiential Practicum Rizzoli, Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Institute, Bologna (Italy)
"Infections of Surgical Wounds related to Physio-Chemical characteristics of Bio-Material" (coll. with R. Giardino, S. Buscaroli, M. Fini, M. Rocca, L. Boschi, M. Brulatti, P. Del Prete). Joined Congress: XV National Italian Congress of Surgery Reasearch. V National Italian Congress in Surgical Physiopathology. Ed. Monduzzi - Bologna, Italy 13-15 May 1990.
"Senior Oncologic Colo-Rectal Surgery". (coll. with R. Giardino, L. Boschi, M. Fini, I. Ismail). Acts of IV National Italian Congress of Geriatric Surgery. Ed. Mattioli - Parma, Italy 19-22 September 1990
"Iso-kinetic Test of the Trunk Muscle Valuation". (coll. with G. Mari, A.R. Mignani, M.A. Servadei, T.W. Bilotta). Acts of XXI National Italian Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Ed. ERRE Roma-Rome, Italy 10-13 October 1993.
"Prevention of the Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis by Electromagnetic Fields: Experimental Study in Rats". (coll. with A. Zati, S. Gnudi, R. Giardino, M. Fini, R. Mongiorgi, T.W. Bigotta). Abstracts Bok of IX Workshop on Vitamin D.- Orlando, Florida, USA, 28 May – 2 June 1994.
"Rehabilitation Treatment of the opening of Narrow Thoraric Syndrome". (coll. with A. Mignani, M.A. Servadei, T.W. Bilotta). Acts of XXII National Italian Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Ed. Minerva Medica, Torino Italy. - Turin, Italy, 26-29 September 1994.
"Disability of Osteoporotic Patient: Clinic Valuation and Rehabilitation Therapy". (coll. with A. Zati, S. Degli Esposti, P. Cremonini, R. Iovine, T.W. Bilota). Acts of XXII National Italian Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Ed. Minerva Medica – Turin, Italy 26-29 September 1994
"Reconditioning of Sportsmen in Post Surgery of Relapsing Recidivous Anterior Luxation". (coll. I. Fusaro, G. Terzulli, M.A. Servadei, A. Miskulin, G. Zucchini, T.W. Bigotta). Abstract Book of Congress (Advances in Sport Traumatology). Italian Traumatology Sports Society - Milan, Italy, 14-15 October 1994
"Brachialgie of Outlet Syndrome". (coll. with T.W. Bilotta, A. Mignani, M. Cavazza, G. Zecca). Quarterly Review "Quaderni di Villa Sandra" Volume VI n. 3. July – September 1995