Alessio Lilli

Interventional Cardiologist, Versilia Hospital, Cardiology, Lido di Camaiore, Lucca, Italy.
Interventional Cardiologist in Emergency Department at Versilia Hospital
with specific competence in coronary procedures, arrhythmias and cardiac
Clinical researcher from 2004, he has authored and co-authored 28 peer
reviewed manuscripts and book's chapters on cardiac pacing and
assessment of microcirculation.
He's reviewer of British Medical Journal Case Report, International Journal
of Cardiology, Clinical Cardiology, Journal of Women's Health.
Recently selected by the Italian Ministry of Health as Editor for the quality
assessment of peer reviews of the research projects 2013.
In the lasts years he has engaged in the study of acupuncture and
traditional chinese medicine at AMAB and has devoted his attention to the
study of clinical methodology and to statistical issues.
He is focusing his studies on epistemology with specific attention to the
acupuncture and its features for the research integration.